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Thats a really interesting concept. I'll be honest, when I first saw a main menu I thought its gonna be some small beginner level game but I was wrong. The game itself looks great. It has a special vibe. The music is not for my taste, it got annoying pretty quickly but I can't disagree that its fitting. The tutorial and a bit of humor are great. Love that the game isn't all 100% serious and you added some fun, daily element. Special kudos for self paced reading. I hate when game forces the reading speed and you gave option to go to next piece of text when player is ready.

Overall I think its a really great game. Style wise not my vibe but I can admit its great in general. And lets take into consideration that it was done in ~3 days. Awesome work!


A fun spin on the concept of a snake game. It's fun and short:


I think making a snake from parts is super creative! I think the game would've been better if you showed a completed snake and then try to match it, because right now it's just pressing down button simulator. I really liked seeing the snakes i made at the end.


The art is pretty cute, and well made, but i fell like you hit the weird spot between pixel art and high resolution where things look odd, i think you should've scaled up the textures in game, or made the game with high-res art instead of pixel art. The ui was doing it's job, it's readable and that's the most important thing.

Sound design:

The music was super fun i wasn't really expecting it to go faster, but that was a welcome surprise and introduced energy the game needed.

The game suffers from what i would call the "gmtk sfx curse". I feel it should be more responsive with it's sound effects, like f.e switching the parts should make a sound. (THANK YOU FOR THE SOUND SLIDER!!!)


Overall a really cute game, that has a great concept but could use a little polish.

Good Job! :)